Friday, April 1, 2016

For the Love of Cupcakes!

Caramel Cappuccino Cupcakes
Now who doesn't love cupcakes?!

Well, for one, ME!  Well at least I used to not love cupcakes.  I know, I know, I can't believe it myself either.

I mean, it's not like I hated cupcakes.  I enjoyed a good cupcake here and there, Red Velvet being my favorite, but I was one of those who got into the cupcake hype a lot too late.

My husband has been asking for cupcakes to come out of my kitchen for years now, BUT all the work that went into making a single cupcake that I would probably get sick of after eating a couple only to be left with a bunch leftover that I would probably throw away or end up keeping in the fridge for weeks....well that wasn't my cup of tea.

Oh and I wasn't in the slightest convinced that baking up a cake "in a cup" would make any culinary difference.  So I stayed away from making cupcakes. Notice I said, stayed away from making them.  That didn't stop me from eating them though :-).